First Visit

We look forward to meeting you at your first visit to our office. During this time, we will help you get acquainted with our office and learn about your orthodontic treatment. We understand that each patient's orthodontic treatment is different, and we promise to give you the personal attention you deserve. Your first visit will consist of an initial examination and a discussion of your potential treatment options. This important visit will allow the orthodontist to determine if this is the right time to begin treatment.

During your first visit, we will address the following questions that cover the basics of orthodontic treatment. We encourage you to ask questions as well.

  • Is there a condition that orthodontics can address?

  • Is treatment needed now or should treatment be delayed until appropriate growth, tooth eruption or other factors have occurred?

  • What treatment procedures will be used to correct the problem?

  • Do any permanent teeth need to be removed?

  • How long will treatment take?

  • How much will it cost?

  • What are my payment options?

After we have evaluated your records, we will conduct a treatment consultation to explain all aspects of your orthodontic treatment in detail. We will provide a complete clinical diagnosis regarding the nature of the problem, a written summary of the findings and a detailed plan that outlines your treatment, goals and estimated fees. We encourage questions from both the patient and parents, and as such, we provide ample time to answer your questions.

Face Masks Updates: (9.19.23)

Your health and safety are our top priorities. We are still following CDC guidelines for healthcare facilities.

All staff continue to follow CDC guidelines

Masks are now optional except for families in the private rooms during appointments

Open Communication

We believe that good orthodontic care begins with open communication. We promise to speak candidly with you about our diagnosis and recommendations, any alternative treatments and any symptoms present that may require further treatment. Working together, we can achieve a true partnership, with one common goal – helping you achieve a beautiful, confident smile!


Your scheduled appointment time has been reserved specifically for you. We request a 48-hour notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. We are aware that unforeseen events sometimes require missing an appointment, and we appreciate your cooperation. After 3 “no shows” or unadvised cancellations, we are subject to charge a $50 fee before scheduling again.

Book a consultation with us!
(804) 308-0158

3438 Lauderdale Drive
Henrico, VA 23233



  • A. Yes, we are still following CDC guidelines for healthcare facilities and still require masks during appointments for patients and others waiting in the waiting room. Due to limited resources, we ask patients and families to bring masks to their appointments. Any members without a mask is asked to wait outside.

  • A. Yes! Regular check-ups with your general dentist are important while in braces. Your dentist will determine the intervals between each cleaning appointment while you have your braces.

  • A. Yes. We understand your schedule is busy, and we are happy to help you make the most of your time. We do ask parents to either call in to sign their child in and fill out the COVID-19 forms ahead of time. On some occasions, we may request to speak with a parent when they return, so we ask that parents check-in with our office before dropping off their child.

  • A. Teeth, and sometimes entire facial structures, are permanently changed by orthodontic treatment. It is important that the treatment be appropriate and properly completed. Orthodontic specialists have extensive and specialized training that enables them to provide their patients with professional, personalized treatments.

  • A. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an orthodontic screening at age 7. For most children, several permanent teeth have erupted by this age, allowing the orthodontist to effectively evaluate the patient’s orthodontic condition.

  • A. No patient is "too old" to wear braces! A surprising percentage of our patients are adults. In fact, 25 percent of all orthodontic patients are adults. Health and happiness are vitally important to adults, and orthodontic treatment can increase your self-esteem at any age!

  • A. Overall treatment time depends on each patient's specific orthodontic problem(s). In general, treatment times range from 12 to 30 months. The "average" timespan a patient wears braces is approximately 24 months.

  • A. Appointments are scheduled according to each patient's needs. Most patients in braces will be seen once a month. If there are specific situations that require more frequent monitoring, we will schedule appointments accordingly.

  • A. Generally, braces do not "hurt." After certain appointments, your teeth may be sore for a few days. In these situations, over-the-counter pain medications, such as Advil or Tylenol, will ease the discomfort. However, after most visits, patients do not feel any soreness at all! We often remind our patients, “It does not have to hurt to work!”

  • A. Yes! We recommend that patients wear mouth guards while playing sports. Musicians will likely experience an adjustment period until they are comfortable playing while wearing braces.

  • A. No, they will not. The space available for the front teeth does not increase as you grow. In most people, after the permanent molars erupt, the space available for the front teeth decreases with age.

  • A. Yes. Once treatment begins, we will explain our complete instructions and provide you with a comprehensive list of foods to avoid. Some of those foods include ice, hard candy, raw vegetables and all sticky foods (i.e. caramel and taffy). You can avoid most repair appointments by carefully following our instructions!